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Melissa Orlov

Melissa Orlov Profile Photo

Relationship Consultant, Author, Speaker

Founder of, Melissa Orlov is a marriage consultant, a top expert in how ADHD affects relationships, and an award-winning author: The ADHD Effect on Marriage and The Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD.

Her very popular couples seminar (by phone) has helped many struggling couples turn their relationships around.

She blogs for and Psychology Today and has been interviewed by The New York Times, CNN, Today, US News and World Report, and CBS, among many others.

Feb. 4, 2021

#54: How ADHD affects relationships | Guest Melissa Orlov

We all know that when it comes to Relationships/Marriage it is a bumpy ride, now let’s make it even bumpier when one or both partners have ADHD. My guest Melissa Orlov, a relationship consultant, talks about the impacts of AD...
Guest: Melissa Orlov