April 9, 2021

#63: Awareness - separating facts from interpretations

#63: Awareness - separating facts from interpretations
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#63: Awareness - separating facts from interpretations

In this episode, I am talking about the power of awareness and the depth and layers of it when it comes to awareness of ourselves, our environment, people, and situations. 

I am excited to do a deep dive into this concept and over the next few episodes, I will share other concepts that really provide a framework on tapping into your full potential while using your ADHD as your best asset.


Join our bi-weekly Group Coaching  Quantum Thinkers' ADHD Community

Join our Quantum Thinkers' ADHD Community for bi-weekly group coaching sessions. Tailored for professionals seeking guidance on managing ADHD in the workplace, Coach Cathy Rashidian offers valuable insights. Through her group coaching approach, she fosters growth and understanding among participants. Each session is limited to a maximum of 8 participants to ensure personalized attention.
