July 21, 2020

#28: Shift in perspective with ADHD Coaching | audio clip of a coaching call

#28: Shift in perspective with ADHD Coaching | audio clip of a coaching call
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#28: Shift in perspective with ADHD Coaching | audio clip of a coaching call
What is ADHD coaching? how does it work? how can someone with ADHD benefit from coaching? These are some of the questions I had when I was diagnosed and I now see it come up often in the ADHD community online. In this episode, I share a snippet of an actual ADHD coaching session that I facilitated. Pls note that this person has ADHD , is not a client of mine, they agreed to be on the show/recording and wanted to experience ADHD coaching. The session starts with her wanting to address her lack of motivation - as the session progressed we talked about her values, then in the middle of the call you hear a shift in her energy as we got deeper into her values. She has a shift in perspective when she realizes the root of lack of motivation is that she has been avoiding what truly makes her happy which are tied to her values. As you listen to this coaching session, do you relate to what she is going through (I know I did)? This is just a short snippet of how coaching can really bring out the best in you and help you realize what is the root cause of what is holding you back. ADHD or not, we all have our stories/reasons/excuses until you take the time and dissect what is really holding you back, you will continue to get in your own way of success and even management of your ADHD. I am so honoured to be part of these shift in perspective with my clients and in this call it was my pleasure to help and witness this young lady experience a shift in mindset.  I want thank my guest for sharing her story with us, she was such a star and so open to seeing new possibilities. My coaching is a partnership where I design a plan based on the your agenda – coaching takes what’s inside and translates it into outer goals that you accomplish step-by-step. I hope this snippet gives you more insight into the endless possibilities of how ADHD Coaching can benefit you. p.s. When you feel unmotivated, direction less, chances are you are not fully living by your values. Grab my free values assessment workbook and find your true north. https://www.readysetchoose.com/adhd-free-tools


Join our bi-weekly Group Coaching  Quantum Thinkers' ADHD Community

Join our Quantum Thinkers' ADHD Community for bi-weekly group coaching sessions. Tailored for professionals seeking guidance on managing ADHD in the workplace, Coach Cathy Rashidian offers valuable insights. Through her group coaching approach, she fosters growth and understanding among participants. Each session is limited to a maximum of 8 participants to ensure personalized attention.
