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Time Management Episodes

April 2, 2021

#62: Creating new work because we don't like mundane tasks?!

In this episode, I talk about the vicious circle that I see when it comes to avoiding tasks that we just do not feel the urge to complete however we end up creating new ones because we love to put out fires. I recall the days...

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Jan. 21, 2021

#52: Understanding Inattentive ADHD | Guest Barbara Luther

There are three representations of ADHD Combined Presentation : if enough symptoms of both criteria inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity were present for the past 6 months Predominantly Inattentive Presentation : if enou...

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Jan. 14, 2021

#51: The science behind ADHD Memory Challenges | Guest Jeff Copper

On today’s episode, we’re joined by special guest, ADHD, and Attention coach, also the host of Attention Talk Radio, Jeff Copper. We’re discussing memory, and specifically working memory : the ability to hold thoughts in your...

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Dec. 29, 2020

#50: ADHD - Mastering focus in SoloPreneurship

My transition from corporate life to becoming a solopreneur has been one of the most interesting, fulfilling, challenging, and rewarding thing I have taken on.⁠ ⁠ In this episode, ⁠I share the difference between a mindset of ...

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Dec. 2, 2020

#46: ADHD - Paying attention to your Mindset Matters | Guest Jeff Cop…

In the past few years, as I've been going through coach training and coaching professionals and entrepreneurs, I have seen a theme around the importance of paying attention to mindset as it relates to their ADHD and how they ...

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Nov. 17, 2020

#44: ADHD - Challenges with starting tasks and completion | Guest Ric…

In May of 2020, I did an IG TV interview with Rick Green - Founder of on the topic of why ADDers have challenges starting tasks and even following through. Rick shared so many practical insights and approache...

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Nov. 3, 2020

#42: ADHD - Managing your fast brain during the pandemic | Guest Pete…

Back in June of 2020, I interviewed Peter Shankman, host of the "Faster than Normal" Podcast and he shared some great insights on how he is managing his fast brain during the pandemic. I like to apologize in advance for the s...

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Oct. 27, 2020

Episode #41: ADHD - Procrastination (it's not always a bad thing!)

Procrastination is a common theme among ADHDers, it's never-ending and it comes in so many different flavors. I think it's a major cause of so much stress and anxiety for us. In this episode, I wanted to share a few stats an...

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Oct. 13, 2020

#39: Managing adult ADHD | Sarah's experience with Coaching

There are a few ways to manage ADHD, and not all of us will use the same methods and systems. In this episode, I wanted to share with you Sarah's story on how she is able to manage her ADHD with coaching. Full disclaimer tha...

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Sept. 1, 2020

#33 ADHD - How to stay on track when new shiny things come your way

How do you manage to stay on track when the shinny new ideas/projects come knocking on your door? I used to get in the trap of getting derailed often when I was in corporate life and sometimes it worked out and other time I w...

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Jan. 31, 2020

#13: ADHD Coaches Panel sharing best tips and strategies

In this episode I took a different approach and hosted an ADHD Coaches Panel where we discussed: The reoccurring ADHD challenge that they see in their clients The one ADHD issue that they are working through now One usefu...

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Dec. 5, 2019

#9: Feeling Frustrated, Anxious, Stressed, and Tired?

I have been wanting to record this episode for many months and today I was so inspired to finally share this with you. You may want to relisten to this episode a few times as I share a lot in it. Discover the hidden patte...

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Nov. 6, 2019

#5: Successfully Juggling multiple businesses with an ADHD Brain | Gu…

In this episode, I had a candid conversation with Francesca about her late in life diagnosis of ADHD and her key to staying focused while managing multiple businesses and projects. Since she is one busy lady I connected with...

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Oct. 31, 2019

#4: How to become at ease with Managing your day as a Professional or…

Managing time is a major thing for those of us with ADHD. The struggle is real but it doesn't have to be a struggle. During this podcast, I share tips, stories and few simple ways on how to think about time, feel about time ...

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