Registration is now open for ADHD & WorkPlace - Starter Kit Seminar

Gilly Kahn

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Gilly Kahn, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, working in a private group practice in the Atlanta area. She specializes in individual and group therapy focusing on neurodiversity, anxiety, and depression in youth. Over the years, Gilly developed a niche in the treatment of children and teens with ADHD and ASD, because, in her opinion, there is no better or wiser company (side note, Gilly also has ADHD). She has a B.A. in Psychology and Creative Writing, a Master's in Experimental Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. She has presented at various national conferences in addition to co-publishing a research manuscript in the journal, Developmental Psychology. Gilly moved from Miami to Atlanta a few years ago for reasons only a Floridian (or really anyone) would understand. She lives with her husband and two children. Gilly has a diverse immigrant family background (Israeli, Russian, Egyptian, and Chilean), and she speaks Hebrew. If you ask her what her hobby is outside of work, she will literally tell you it is “everything psychology”—listening to audiobooks about psychology, watching shows with psychological content, and writing about psychological topics. She admits it—it’s an obsession. Spending time with family is also nice (and necessary), along with traveling and exploring different ways of living.