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ADHD & Workplace Episodes

Dec. 2, 2020

#46: ADHD - Paying attention to your Mindset Matters | Guest Jeff Cop…

In the past few years, as I've been going through coach training and coaching professionals and entrepreneurs, I have seen a theme around the importance of paying attention to mindset as it relates to their ADHD and how they ...

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Nov. 27, 2020

#45: ADHD -Benefits of Yoga - mind, body connection | Guest Esther Na…

One of the most effective ways for ADHDers to manage their intense emotions is to pause and pay attention before reacting. Easier said than done, and this is a skill that does not come naturally. So how can we sharpen this sk...

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Nov. 17, 2020

#44: ADHD - Challenges with starting tasks and completion | Guest Ric…

In May of 2020, I did an IG TV interview with Rick Green - Founder of on the topic of why ADDers have challenges starting tasks and even following through. Rick shared so many practical insights and approache...

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Nov. 12, 2020

#43: ADHD and Medication | Guest Dr. Sarah Cheyette

It's one thing to digest and go through the emotions of a late in life diagnosis of Adult ADHD but then comes the big question of "should I take meds or not?". I have heard so many different viewpoints of ADHD medication fr...

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Oct. 27, 2020

Episode #41: ADHD - Procrastination (it's not always a bad thing!)

Procrastination is a common theme among ADHDers, it's never-ending and it comes in so many different flavors. I think it's a major cause of so much stress and anxiety for us. In this episode, I wanted to share a few stats an...

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Oct. 19, 2020

#40: ADHD - Make Decisions without analysis paralysis

Decision making can be one of the hardest tasks for adults with ADHD. In this episode, I mention Dr. Brown's of the Impaired Executive Functions and how I relate it to decision making. There are many factors that go into why...

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Oct. 13, 2020

#39: Managing adult ADHD | Sarah's experience with Coaching

There are a few ways to manage ADHD, and not all of us will use the same methods and systems. In this episode, I wanted to share with you Sarah's story on how she is able to manage her ADHD with coaching. Full disclaimer tha...

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Sept. 1, 2020

#33 ADHD - How to stay on track when new shiny things come your way

How do you manage to stay on track when the shinny new ideas/projects come knocking on your door? I used to get in the trap of getting derailed often when I was in corporate life and sometimes it worked out and other time I w...

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Aug. 26, 2020

#32: ADHD & Social Skills - How to read the room, increase your socia…

In this episode, Caroline Maguire, Author of “Why will no one play with me”? talks to us about how to read the room, how to really understand what's going on in social settings. Those of us with ADHD brain, that fast brain th...

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July 13, 2020

#27: Your ADHD can be asset by learning more about it | Guest: Dr. Ne…

It was an absolute pleasure to talk to Dr. Ned Hallowell in this special mini-episode. When I got my diagnosis of ADHD, the first book that I picked up on ADHD was Driven to Distraction (audiobook) by Dr. Hallowell. This boo...

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June 30, 2020

#26: Neurodiverse brains can be gamechangers in organizations | Guest…

In this episode, I talk with Rick Fiery who is the co-founder of InventiveLabs which is located in Amesbury, Massachusetts. InventiveLabs is a research lab and business incubator that helps people with learning differences fi...

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June 25, 2020

#25: Workarounds to manage ADHD in the workplace. Do they work?

In this episode my co-host Sherri Cannon and I talk about some of the common challenges professionals with ADHD can face in the workplace. they often want to know if they can be themselves – you know --bring their best work, ...

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June 8, 2020

#23: Neurodiversity Career Platform | Guest: Alex Corner

In this episode I talk to the founder of Alex Corner, Founder of, “The World's First Platform Connecting Talented Candidates with Dyslexia, ADHD, or Autism With Inclusive Companies That Assess Skills, Experience a...

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May 21, 2020

#22: How to embrace Neurodiversity in the workplace | Guest: Margaux …

In this episode, my guest Margaux Joffe is sharing the journey of her ADHD diagnosis in her late twenties. More importantly what she shares is how she went about creating awareness/acceptance of ADHD in her workplace and cr...

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May 14, 2020

#21: Character traits of ADHD in the workplace | Co-host - Sherri Can…

**This is an audio recording of a recent Linked-in Video Post** This content is intended for HR and Team Leaders When we work with business function leaders to build ADHD literacy, they often want to know how to actually rec...

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